Donna’s memories

Created by Donna 4 years ago

Big Uncle John was a huge part of our lives growing up which continued to today.  

I remember when we lived in America (1992-1993) Aunty Ann and Uncle John came to visit us with Granny and Grandad. We had a great time but my clearest memory is Uncle John and my dad doing pull ups off our stairs! 

Uncle John always made us laugh and told hundreds of stories of him and Aunty Ann growing up (getting into trouble!) and his life in the army. While I was living in Germany, Uncle John would tell me all about his time in Germany with the army and the places he had been. His first time driving in Germany, he drove from his camp to Hohne (where Bergen-Belsen is) which was only 30 minutes from where i was living! 
Every birthday and Christmas, I would buy Uncle John a box of Maltesers. I would also give him any that I was given by my class (don’t tell them!). I bet Aunty Ann has a cupboard full! 

You will be missed greatly.
lots of love

Donna Hardy
